Our Story

Ariel here! I just wanted to share a little of my heart, hopes and dreams about Wonderfully Made!


Since I was a little girl, probably since puberty, I've had a lot of insecurity about my body. I've also struggled with how clothing fit my body which led me to believe there was something wrong with me. I am by no means satisfied with the way I look, but he is bringing me to a place to love who he has created me to be.

Over the years, I began to see that others felt the same way. Sine being a little girl I wanted to make clothes that fit me and my body type. I would "sketch" clothing ideas, dream about opening my own store one day. I was always too scared, but recently I've felt this passion grow. With the growth in online commerce I decided to take a leap!

Currently we have a small offering of clothing, but we hope to expand to more local or individual artisans and wholesalers. We hope to expand with our size offerings, variety, and accessories. Please stick with us!


Our other dream is to be a business that is unashamedly the light in the darkness. So many clothing companies are just out there for the money or use their profits just for material gain. That is not our hope. We hope that in the future we are able to use our profits to support local organizations that are also a light. We hope that our interactions, posts and products glorify God and point those who don't know Him would.

Thank you all for your support and love! I hope that you'll stick with us through this journey. I hope you feel seen, heard, loved, and beautiful through our products and genuine care for our customers.