So if you follow me or my shop online you’ll have seen this photo of me today.

This was after an *almost* tearful breakdown that I had. And while I posted this picture, I wanted to be honest and transparent- because that’s what we believe is important here at Wonderfully Made. Please know by writing this that I am not looking for anyone to feel bad for me or anything like that, I just want you all to know the true me- and the God I worship!
Just for laughs before we go too deep- this was me today, trying to spruce up before taking the above picture my husband shared this a few days ago and it made me chuckle so I thought I’d pass on a laugh before we dive deep.
Before settling on this picture my sweet husband had faithfully taken several trials of me. Today we decided to go to the pumpkin patch and I specifically wore this shirt to take a cute pumpkin patch picture to post and share with you guys. Welllll it was cloudy and windy- and to be blunt I hate taking and posting pictures of myself most of the time. All the pictures from the actual pumpkin patch just did not work. Let’s blame it on the wind and clouds. But we came home and I looked at them and just felt the doubt creep in- why am I doing this, I can’t do this- I’m not a model, I’m not one of those beautiful people who model the clothes they sell, no one will want to buy something that looks so bad on me... the list goes on. Then my way to good for me husband stopped me. He said let’s take one here- with no wind. So we did. But all the while this kept rolling in my head- it was hard to smile and not cry. But then I felt the tender spirit of God in my heart. I am still processing this because it was just a little whole ago- but I knew he was saying “This.” This is why you have to share those pictures. This is why you started this business- not to sell clothes but to remind and share with women that they are beautiful and VALUABLE not because of their physical appearance but because of Christ in us. Because we are made in His image and because He loves us. Don’t get me wrong- we have to accept his love and forgiveness. This is not a prosperity gospel but a reminder that looks don’t count for him- he died for us knowing all of our ugly sin, and he STILL gave his son, and his life. Then BECAUSE HE ROSE we can have this relationship and beauty that comes from within. This all came after reading a story a friend shared about her little girl this week. Take a minute and read it.
“A little boy called me and my friend trash today. But I told him “I am not trash. My mom loves me very much and I am a princess so I don’t stink.”
This was the very first thing I heard from my 5 year old after school today. She was so proud. She stood y’all telling me this story. My daughter corrected this little boy with the truths she knows in her heart.
As parents the words we say matter. Today, my voice rang louder than the negativity of the world. Today, my 5 year old girl stood up for herself and her friend with truth. My daughters are both image beaters of God, they are not trash. Sinful humans but not trash. They are beautiful creations uniquely designed by the God who hung the stars in the sky. These little girls are more valuable than words will tell them.
They. Are. Valuable.
And today- so many of us have believed that lie, and just like my friends daughters- you are not trash. You are valuable. It’s easy to say that and believe that about our kids or nieces and nephews or other people, but today say it to yourself. Say it with me- you are not trash {ugly, dumb, unpopular, whatever the enemy is whispering in your ear} YOU. ARE. VALUABLE.
Say it again, say it with me- you are valuable, valuable to the God who created the Grand Canyon, waterfalls, the stars and nothing can change that.
If you don’t have a personal relationship with Jesus and you want to- please, please reach out to us. We would love to tell you more about Jesus. If you need encouragement or prayer please reach out to us- our hope is not to make money or sell stuff but to point others to Jesus.
And in full transparency, I’m sharing some of the pictures I hated below... because I want you to know and see all of me as your friend and business owner.